Assam Nahorabi Gold Black Tea
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Malty, unctuous character, luscious body, notes of cocoa, cinnamon, currants, black treacle, laurel, fresh peppercorn, stewed fruits and real ale mark this out as one of Assam's 'Supreme' teas.
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The definitive, malty Assam character and luscious body are epitomised in this exquisite tea, which is a rival for the title of 'Supreme' Assam. The cup holds notes of cocoa, cinnamon, currants, black treacle, laurel, fresh peppercorn, stewed fruits and real ale. It has a beautiful leaf appearance with an abundance of fat, juicy golden buds. Named after the beautiful forest of Nahor trees, which bear sparkling red, tender leaves during spring. The garden is adjacent to Nagaland and one side is covered by dense forest which maintains the eco-system. For the spiritual upliftment of its employees, a temple has been built by the company. The garden provides free housing, fuel and water along with subsidized cereals. The garden has a well-equipped hospital where free medical treatment is provided to the workers and their dependents. The garden is Rainforest Alliance and UTZ certified.
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