Gunpowder Special Temple of Heaven Green Tea
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Perhaps the most famous of China's green teas due to its evocative appearance! Ours is the finest grade and when infused unfurls into large, tender tea leaves. It is known as Special Temple of Heaven. It gives a healthy and refreshing brew. The infusion is mild with subtle hints of smokiness.
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Perhaps the most famous of China's green teas due to its evocative appearance! Ours is the finest grade of this pellet shaped leaf and when infused unfurls into large, tender tea leaves. It is known as Special Temple of Heaven. It gives a healthy and refreshing brew. The infusion is mild with subtle hints of smokiness. The gunpowder form is created by wetting the leaves a few times during the short roasting period, which slows down the drying process and results in a curling of the leaves. This tea is dried slowly in rotating drums. Due to the permanent rotation, the tea is given its ball-like form. The "Temple of Heaven" is a very tightly rolled ball through which one can see the high-grade quality. Gunpowder is also known as 'Zucha' or 'pearl tea'. It is grown in the Zhejiang region of China. This is the base tea in the Moroccan mint tea recipe.
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