Honey Mountain Royal Gue Fei Taiwan Oolong Tea
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I had often imagined a tea being made that could combine my two favourite oolong teas into one. I also imagined it would be impossible. I'm sure you will imagine how thrilled I am that someone has done it! Our supplier in Taiwan made this tea in the summer as an experiment. Needless to say, it is a resounding success! Whilst, not an 'Oriental Beauty' tea it has much in common, sharing the need for insects to bite the leaves. Naturally, it too has the beautiful honey, fruit and floral character found in 'Oriental Beauty' but also some of the buttery, green and cooler flavours found in a top 'Jade' Oolong. It differs from other 'Oriental Beauty' teas for some important reasons. Firstly, it is grown in a different place and much higher up the mountain at 1500 metres.
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I was so excited to have discovered this tea for the first time. Our supplier in Taiwan made this tea in the summer as an experiment. Needless to say, it is a resounding success! Whilst, not an 'Oriental Beauty' tea it has much in common, sharing the need for insects to bite the leaves. Naturally, it too has the beautiful honey, fruit and floral character found in 'Oriental Beauty'. It differs from these teas for some important reasons. Firstly, it is grown in a different place and much higher up the mountain at 1500 metres. The cultivar it is grown on is Chin Shin Oolong, and although it is made from leaves of five colours too, the leaf is rolled into pellets. This is the way High Mountain or Jade oolongs are prepared. This and a lighter oxidisation, closer to Jade oolong brings to the cup some of the fresh, green, cool characteristics too. This tea, of which only 20kgs were made, is grown on the farmer's 5 hectares. It is harder to find leaves that have been bitten by insects because there are fewer around at such altitude! It is only harvested once a year. It is a unique tea. I have discovered that a pot of any tea is instantly improved by the addition of a few pellets. I like it added to a strong, black China tea.
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