Ice Peak Classic Taiwan Oolong Tea
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The infusion is sweet with a lingering taste malty taste and a fragrance reminiscent of orchard fruits and high mountain pines. Due to its slightly higher roasting the green flavours found in other Jade Oolong changes to a fruitier character. One of the interesting ways careful processing can bring out desired characteristics from the same raw leaves.
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This famous oolong tea grows on Taiwan's Tung Ting, also known as Dong Ding or 'Ice Peak' Mt. in the mist-bound 'Deer Valley'. In this premium grade, only the top two leaves are picked, by hand from the first spring growth as the buds just open into new leaves. While they are being made the bamboo baskets of fermenting leaves are said to exude a heavenly aroma on a par with roses, sandalwood and amber. Being a 'Jade' oolong the light fermentation must be carried out with great skill to capture the perfect taste. It often goes on late into the night. It has a bright, amber green infusion and beautiful aroma, ranging from lilac to milky butterscotch. I had this tea made for me and asked for the slightly darker roasting option which gives the infusion a sweet, fruity flavour with a lingering, malty aftertaste. This is one of the infinite and interesting ways careful processing can bring out desired characteristics from the same raw leaves. One of its many virtues is the feeling of purification felt when drinking it. Oolong tea like green tea is rich in healthy polyphenols, which remove free radicals from the body. Chinese doctors also recommend it for activating the enzyme responsible for dissolving triglyceride (fatty deposits) and enhancing the function of fat metabolism. Of course, more important than this is that it makes a delightful cup of tea!
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