Mad Hatter's Tea Party Flavoured Black Tea
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It's always tea time in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and it's the same at Imperial Teas of Lincoln! We've created this tasty blend, inspired by jelly & ice cream & everything afternoon tea! So, go on, drink me!
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It's always tea time in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and it's the same at Imperial Teas of Lincoln! We've created this tasty blend, inspired by jelly & ice cream & everything afternoon tea! If you love tea but are curious to discover something new then this exclusive tea is just the thing for you. The base of the blend is a special tea grown in just a few gardens in India, with a special, natural jammy character. The addition of subtle flavouring creates a complex concoction that you'll never quite be able to describe. We won't let you know, just to keep you curious! So, go on, drink me!
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