Not Your Everyday Lincoln Black Tea
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The blend of Indian and African teas produces a bright, robust cup of tea perfect for all day, every day drinking. It won't surprise those who like a traditional cup of tea, well apart from the quality! A tea from the Shire that does things better! No offense to the others! Proud Yellowbelly alert!
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There's something to be said for a traditional cup of tea, though of course defining traditional is a tricky business. I guess that as far as tea is concerned the most popular view is that of a black tea, which can be taken with milk and usually delivered in the form of a teabag. We've gone a little further back into tradition, when our tea was packaged in paper cartons and every house had a tea strainer. In terms of flavour we have created a blend of the quality of days gone by, because as the price of tea has increased the major brands have reduced quality in order to keep pricing low. Needless to say we don't follow this option, keeping a great flavour and a modest price. The blend of Indian and African teas produces a bright, robust cup of tea perfect for all day, every day drinking. It won't surprise those who like a traditional cup of tea, well apart from the quality! A tea from the Shire that does things better! No offense to the others! Proud Yellowbelly alert!
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