Redbush Chai - Rooibos Tea
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The hot and spicy ingredients lend the classic, exotic Indian taste to this traditional chai. Ingredients such as aniseed, ginger and cinnamon create the authentic experience without the caffeine buzz! Can be taken with milk if brewed for a good five minutes.
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This South African tisane is a great substitute for real tea with its rich red colour and flavour. It is organically grown and particularly suitable for children, being free of caffeine and rich in healthy antioxidants. We select the highest grade, composed predominantly of fine leaf, and free of the dust found in the lower grades. The hot and spicy ingredients lend the classic, exotic Indian taste to this traditional chai. Ingredients such as aniseed, ginger and cinnamon create the authentic experience without the caffeine buzz! Can be taken with milk if brewed for a good five minutes. It is very pleasant taken with honey or fruit sugar. Rooibos is usually grown in the Cederberg, a small mountainous area in the Western Cape province of South Africa. We use the highest grade available to ensure maximum polyphenol content, which is responsible for creating the best flavour and efficacy that Rooibos is famed for. At the moment demand for Rooibos is outstripping supply, meaning growers are achieving high prices for their crop.
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INGREDIENTS: rooibos, aniseed, ginger pieces, black peppercorns, cardamom seeds, cinnamon pieces, cloves, flavouring.
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